გაავლებს 1. to draw something (line) 2. to draw, pull, drag something through something (water) // 1. eine Linie ziehen 2. etwas wo durchziehen (Wasser)
- გადაავლებს თვალს - to look at something; to have their eyes look over something; to look back on something // den Blick auf etwas heften, über etwas schweifen lassen, etwas überblicken, auf etwas zurückblicken.
- დაავლებს მას ხელს - to grip something with your hand, to catch something with your hand // etwas mit der Hand ergreifen, packen: მან დაავლო ხელი ქვას - she took the rock into her hand // sie nahm den Stein in die Hand.
- ჩაავლებს (= წაავლებს) მას ხელს - to grab someone with the hand; to link arms with someone // jemanden mit der Hand packen, ergreifen; sich bei jemand einhaken: მან ხელები ჩაავლო მეუღლეს - she grabbed her husband with her hand // sie packte ihren Ehemann mit der Hand. მან ქეჩოში წაავლო ხელი ქურდს - he grabbed the thief by the neck // er packte den Dieb am Kragen. ორივე ხელი წაავლო თავზე - he clasped his hands over his head // er schlug die Hände über dem Kopf zusammen.
- ხატავს - to paint something // etwas malen
Class-I Verb on -ებ with -ე/-ო aorist:
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვავლებ ხაზს | I am drawing a line | ich ziehe eine Linie |
შენ ავლებ ხაზს | you are drawing a line | du ziehst eine Linie |
ის ავლებს ხაზს | he is drawing a line | er zieht eine Linie |
ჩვენ ვავლებთ ხაზს | we are drawing a line | wir ziehen eine Linie |
თქვენ ავლებთ ხაზს | you are drawing a line | ihr zieht eine Linie |
ისინი ავლებენ ხაზს | they are drawing a line | sie ziehen eine Linie |
Example: მე ვერ ვავლებ სწორ ხაზს - I cannot draw a straight line // ich kann keine gerade Linie ziehen.
The future indicative is derived from the present by adding გა-: მე გავავლებ ხაზს სკოლაში - I am going to draw a line in school // ich der Schule werde ich eine Linie ziehen.
Imperfect Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვავლებდი ხაზს | I was drawing a line | ich zog eine Linie |
შენ ავლებდი ხაზს | you were drawing a line | du zogst eine Linie |
ის ავლებდა ხაზს | he was drawing a line | er zog eine Linie |
ჩვენ ვავლებდით ხაზს | we were drawing a line | wir zogen eine Linie |
თქვენ ავლებდით ხაზს | you were drawing a line | ihr zogt eine Linie |
ისინი ავლებდნენ ხაზს | they were drawing a line | sie zogen eine Linie |
The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding გა-: მე მერე გავავლებდი ხაზს - then I would draw a line // dann würde ich eine Linie ziehen.
Aorist Indicative: