Abuladze, L. & Ludden, A. (2011): Grundwortschatz Georgisch. Buske-Verlag.
Abuladze, L. & Ludden, A. (2006): Lehrbuch der georgischen Sprache. Buske-Verlag.
There is a new edition available from 2018.
Abashidze, I., R. Metreveli, A. Chikobava, Sh. Dzidziguri & M. Tshabashvili (1986): ქართული ენის განმარტებითი ლექსიკონი (ერთტომეული). Tbilisi.
Approx. 68000 entries.
Abashidze, I., R. Metreveli, A. Chikobava, Sh. Dzidziguri & M. Tshabashvili (1990): ქართული ენის განმარტებითი ლექსიკონი (ერთტომეული). Tbilisi.
Called ერთტომეული -- in one volume -- despite having been published in two parts, ნაკვეთი I (ა-ლ) and ნაკვეთი II (მ-ჰ). Approx. 58000 entries.
Avlediani, G. et al. (2008): ქართული ენის განმარტებითი ლექსიკონი. არნოლდ ჩიქობავას ენათმეცნიერების ინსტიტუტი, თბილისი.
This printed multi-volume edition is based on the 1950s' edition -- see Tshikobava et al (1950-1964) below. Two volumes (ა-ბ, გ) have been published until 2020.
Chotiwari-Jünger, S., D. Melikischwili & L. Wittek (2010): Georgische Verbtabellen. Helmut Buske Verlag, Hamburg.
Elbakidse, M., G. Lomidse, I. Ratiani, M. Tkeschelaschwili & M. Turaschwili (2016): Eine kurze Einführung in die georgische Literatur. Kaukasische Bibliothek, Band 13, Pop-Verlag, 172 S.
Fähnrich, H. (1981): Die Georgische Literatur. Sabtschota Sakartwelo, Tbilissi, 272 S.
Hewitt, G. (2005): Georgian: A Learner's Grammar. Routledge Essential Grammars.
Rayfield, D. (2013): The Literature of Georgia. A History. Routledge London, New York. 320 pp.
Rayfield et al. (2006): A Comprehensive Georgian-English Dictionary. Garnett Press. 1769 pp.
Available through the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia: Link
Tschenkeli, K. (1958): Einführung in die georgische Sprache. Amirani-Verlag, Zürich (2 Bände) [reprints available]
Tschenkeli, K. (1965/2007): Georgisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Band I. Amirani Verlag Zürich.
Tschenkeli, K. (1970/2007): Georgisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Band II. Amirani Verlag Zürich.
Tschenkeli, K. (1974/2007): Georgisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch. Band III. Amirani Verlag Zürich.
Tshikobava, A. (Ed.) (1950-1964): ქართული ენის განმარტებითი ლექსიკონი. Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi.
The classic Georgian eight-volume dictionary. An updated online version is available (link). A new printed version being sold in Tbilisi as well; see Avlediani et al. (2008) above.
Internet Resources
www.barbarisms.ge - A website dedicated to contrasting native Georgian words and the foreign words used in their stead in contemporary and colloquial Georgian.
www.bidzer.ge - A website collecting and explaining Georgian colloqial and slang expressions. Explanations are in Georgian and a good practice for the advanced student of the Georgian language.
www.ena.ge - The updated electronic version of the Georgian Explanatory Dictionary (see Tshikobava (1950-1964) above.
www.errata.ge - A website with a collection of common mistakes made in Georgian by native Georgians in spelling, punctuation and style.
www.nplg.ge - The website of the National Parliamentary Library of Georgia, including a number of electronic dictionaries on general an specific language topics (link).