Georgian is a beautiful and rich language, with beautiful ornamental letters and a rather rough and coarse pronounciation in contrast. The Georgian verb system is complex and able speakers can express many fine nuances with it; it is especially suitable for poetry. Of course, getting the hang of and mastering the Georgian verb poses the biggest challenge and the most interesting journey for the foreign learner. The use of nouns, adjectives and pronouns and prepositions in Georgian is pretty much straightforward and presents less of a hurdle to the learner; also the formation of sentences most often poses no problem, either. There are, of course, more complicated conjunctions and compound sentences waiting for the gritty advanced learner, as well as the broad field of writing texts of all sorts.
The Georgian Verb
The Georgian verb system (ქართული ზმნების სისტემა) is colorful, diverse and complex. Novice learners can quickly acquire a basic understanding of the most often used verbs in order to express themselves in social situations like in stores, using transport an when talking to their hosts. The Georgian verbs can often be modified with preverbs, much like in English (to overtake, to reconsider) or German (abschreiben, ausstellen), for example: ის დაწერს ტექსტს - she is writing a text; ის გადაწერს ტექსტს - she is copying a text.
There are three conjugation classes in Georgian and a number of irregular verbs. Get an overview here ...
Nouns, Adjectives and Pronouns
These are probably the most easiest words to learn and master in Georgian, both in spelling, pronounciation and use in sentences. Nouns (არსებითი სახელი) can often be recognized by ending on -ი, for example სახლი - the house, ცხენი - the horse. Their plural ending is -ები (სახლები, ცხენები), which is not applied when giving the specific number (ორი სახლი, სამი ცხენი).
Adjectives (ზედსართავი სახელი) can often be recognized by their ending (-იანი, -სებრი): მთიანი მხარე - a mountainous region or ყურისებრი ძეგლი - an ear-shaped statue. Some adjectives and on -ი (as some nouns and verbs!): კარგი - good, ადვილი - easy. Adverbs (ზმნიზედა) are easily recognized by their ending -ად, for example კარგად გააკეთე ის - well done! or ადვილად ვიპოვე სახლი - I found the house easily.
Georgian uses the different kinds of pronouns, known in other languages as well, for example personal pronouns: მე - I, შენ - you, ის - the, ჩვენ - we etc. Possessive pronouns include ჩემი - my, შენი - your, მათი - their.