წუხს - to be sad // traurig sein
- აწუხებს 1. to make someone sad 2. to disturb someone // jemanden traurig machen 2. jemanden stören: ხომ არ გაწუხებთ? - Am I disturbing you? // Störe ich Sie?
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვწუხვარ | I am sad | ich bin traurig |
შენ წუხხარ | you are sad | du bist traurig |
ის წუხს | he is sad | er ist traurig |
ჩვენ ვწუხვართ | we are sad | wir sind traurig |
თქვენ წუხხართ | you are sad | ihr seid traurig |
ისინი წუხან | they are sad | sie sind traurig |
The future indicative is derived from the present by adding ი-ებ: მე ვიწუხებ - I will be sad // ich werde traurig sein.
Imperfect Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვწუხდი | I was sad | ich war traurig |
შენ წუხდი | you were sad | du warst traurig |
ის წუხდა | he was sad | er war traurig |
ჩვენ ვწუხდით | we were sad | wir waren traurig |
თქვენ წუხდით | you were sad | ihr wart traurig |
ისინი წუხდნენ | they were sad | sie waren traurig |
The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding ი-ებ: მე ვიწუხებდი - then I would be sad // dann würde ich traurig sein.
Aorist Indicative: