
ჩურჩულებს - to whisper // flüstern

Class-I medial verb on -ებ with -ე/-ა aorist:

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვჩურჩულებ I am whispering ich flüstere
შენ ჩურჩულებ you are whispering du flüsterst
ის ჩურჩულებს he is whispering er flüstert
ჩვენ ვჩურჩურლებთ we are whispering wir flüstern
თქვენ ჩურჩულებთ you are whispering ihr flüstert
ისინი ჩურჩულებენ they are whispering sie flüstern

The future indicative is derived from the present by adding ი-: მე ვიჩურჩულებ - I am going to whisper // ich werde flüstern.

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვჩურჩულებდი I was whispering ich flüsterte
შენ ჩურჩულებდი you were whispering du flüstertest
ის ჩურჩულებდა he was whispering er flüsterte
ჩვენ ვჩურჩულებდით we were whispering wir flüsterten
თქვენ ჩურჩულებდით you were whispering ihr flüstertet
ისინი ჩურჩულებდნენ they were whispering sie flüsterten

The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding ი-: მე ვიჩურჩულებდი - then I would whisper // dann würde ich flüstern.

Aorist Indicative:
