
დგას - to stand // stehen


  • ადგება - do stand up, to rise
    • დადგება - to stand up; to take a standing position // sich hinstellen
  • დგამს - to put something in a standing position // etwas hinstellen, aufstellen
The conjugation of დგას is an interesting mixture of a Class-I medial verb (present დგას, future ი--ება) and a Class-II verb on -ება with the subject in nominative case in the aorist (ის იდგა) and perfect (ის მდგარა). Therefore I put it with the irregular verbs, contrary to Tschenkeli (2007), who classified it as a medial verb.

Irregular verb with -ექი/-ა/-ნენ aorist:

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვდგავარ აქ I am standing here ich stehe hier
შენ დგახარ აქ you are standing here du stehst hier
ის დგას აქ he is standing here er steht hier
ჩვენ ვდგავართ აქ we are standing here wir stehen hier
თქვენ დგახართ აქ you are standing here ihr steht hier
ისინი დგანან აქ they are standing here sie stehen hier

Future Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვიდგები აქ I am going to stand here ich werde hier stehen
შენ იდგები აქ you are going to stand here du wirst hier stehen
ის იდგება აქ he is going to stand here er wird hier stehen
ჩვენ ვიდგებით აქ we are going to stand here wir werden hier stehen
თქვენ იდგებით აქ you are going to stand here ihr werdet hier stehen
ისინი იდგებიან აქ they are going to stand here sie werden hier stehen

The Imperfect Indicative does not exist for this verb, use the Aorist instead (see below).

Aorist Indicative:
