
თევზაობს - to go fishing // fischen, angeln

The usual form addressing the object would be with preposition -ზე: ვთევზაობ თევზზე. This is the more natural and correct form. It translates as "I fish for fish" or "I fish targeting fish." The alternative, ვთევზაობ თევზებს is less common and might sound unusual to native Georgians. It translates literally as "I fish the fish." It implies direct action toward the fish and may feel a bit awkward to a native speaker unless the focus is on the act of catching that fish directly.


  • თევზაობა - the fishing // das Angeln
  • მეთევზე - the fisherman // der Fischer, der Angler
  • ნადირობს 1. to hunt, to go hunting 2. to catch something

Rare Class-I Medial Verb on -აობ with -ავე/-ა aorist:

Present Indicative

ქართული English German
მე ვთევზაობ კალმახს I fish for the trout ich angle die Forelle
შენ თევზაობ კალმახს you fish for the trout du angelst die Forelle
ის თევზაობს კალმახს he/she fishes for the trout er/sie angelt die Forelle
ჩვენ ვთევზაობთ კალმახს we fish for the trout wir angeln die Forelle
თქვენ თევზაობთ კალმახს you (plural) fish for the trout ihr angelt die Forelle
ისინი თევზაობენ კალმახს they fish for the trout sie angeln die Forelle

Future Indicative

ქართული English German
მე ვითევზავებ კალმახს I will fish for the trout ich werde die Forelle angeln
შენ ითევზავებ კალმახს you will fish for the trout du wirst die Forelle angeln
ის ითევზავებს კალმახს he/she will fish for the trout er/sie wird die Forelle angeln
ჩვენ ვითევზავებთ კალმახს we will fish for the trout wir werden die Forelle angeln
თქვენ ითევზავებთ კალმახს you (plural) will fish for the trout ihr werdet die Forelle angeln
ისინი ითევზავებენ კალმახს they will fish for the trout sie werden die Forelle angeln

Examples: ხვალ ვითევზავებ ანკესით - tomorrow I am going to go fishing (with a fishing rod) // morgen werde ich angeln gehen.

Imperfect Indicative:
