If you have the premium membership here at kartuliena.eu, then you already have access to the PDF e-book of The Georgian Conjugation Compass (alongside the other benefits of your subscription). I did have, however, a number of requests about whether the Compass was available separately in printed version, so I set up this option via the Blurb.com publishing house. Now, it should be fairly easy to get a book copy of the compass for your desk at home! This is totally separate from a membership for those who just want to get the Compass.
Just go to blurb.com and order your copy there: Blurb.com/Georgian-Conjugation-Compass
Please let me know through the feedback page (link below) how the ordering, shipping and the final product are. Does blurb.com ship (or not ship) to your country?
Everybody who wants to know more about the e-book Compass and/or the loads of information available through a subscription, I highly recommend checking out these pages here: