აღნიშვნა - markings, notation, mentioning, sign // die Bezeichnung, die Kennzeichnung, die Vermerkung, die Erwähnung, die Markierung, das Zeichen, das Gedenken
აღნიშვნა is used to indicate the act of mentioning something specifically or designating something formally. The word can be used in various contexts, such as in writing or speech, to denote the action of highlighting or pointing out a particular detail or fact. For example, you could say: აქ აღნიშვნა საჭირო არის - here a marking is necessary // Hier ist eine Markierung notwendig.
Similar: აღნიშნავს - 1. to mark something 2. to point to something, to remark something
Thesaurus: ნიშანი.