
გაათავებს 1. to end something, to bring something to an end, to conclude, to finish 2. to kill somebody (fig.), to waste someone, to end someone // 1. etwas beenden, enden, zu Ende bringen, abschließen, erledigen 2. jemanden töten, umbringen (fig.), jemanden erledigen, den Rest geben


  • დაათავებს and მოათავებს are synonyms to გაათავებს, but are less frequently used.
  • აათავებს 1. to end, finish something 2. to complete, add something 3. to climb up to the top; to overcome something // 1. etwas fertigstellen, fertigbekommen, zu Ende bringen 2. etwas vervollständigen, ergänzen, dazu tun 3. wo hinaufsteigen, etwas überwinden
  • მოათავებს is synonym to გაათავებს: მათ მოათავეს წვრთნა - they ended the training // sie beendeten das Training
  • მორჩება 1. to get well, to overcome, to recover from an illness 2. to get something done 3. to end, finish something 4. to give birth to a child 5. to have an orgasm
  • მოკლავს - to kill someone [see other synonyms there]

Class-I Verb on -ებ with -ე/-ა aorist:

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვათავებ შრომას I am finishing the work ich beende die Arbeit
შენ ათავებ შრომას you are finishing the work du beendest die Arbeit
ის ათავებს შრომას he is finishing the work er beendet die Arbeit
ჩვენ ვათავებთ შრომას we are finishing the work wir beenden die Arbeit
თქვენ ათავებთ შრომას you are finishing the work ihr beendet die Arbeit
ისინი ათავებენ შრომას they are finishing the work sie beenden die Arbeit

The future indicative is derived from the present by adding გა-: მომავალ კვირაში გავათავებ წიგნს - next week I am going to finish the book // nächste Woche werde ich das Buch beenden.

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვათავებდი შრომას I was finishing the work ich beendete die Arbeit
შენ ათავებდი შრომას you were finishing the work du beendetest die Arbeit
ის ათავებდა შრომას he was finishing the work er beendete die Arbeit
ჩვენ ვათავებდით შრომას we were finishing the work wir beendeten die Arbeit
თქვენ ათავებდით შრომას you were finishing the work ihr beendedet die Arbeit
ისინი ათავებდნენ შრომას they were finishing the work sie beendeten die Arbeit

The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding გა-: მერე მე გავათავებდი წიგნს - then I would finish the book // dann würde ich das Buch beenden.

Aorist Indicative:
