
ცეკვავს - to dance // tanzen

Class-I medial verb on -ავ with -ე/-ა aorist:

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვცეკვავ I am dancing ich tanze
შენ ცეკვავ you are dancing du tanzt
ის ცეკვავს he is dancing er tanzt
ჩვენ ვცეკვავთ we are dancing wir tanzen
თქვენ ცეკვავთ you are dancing ihr tanzt
ისინი ცეკვავენ they are dancing sie tanzen

The future indicative is derived from the present by adding ი-ებ: ვიცეკვებ - I am going to dance // ich werde tanzen.

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვცეკვავდი I was dancing ich tanzte
შენ ცეკვავდი you were dancing du tanztest
ის ცეკვავდა he was dancing er tanzte
ჩვენ ვცეკვავდათ we were dancing wir tanzten
თქვენ ცეკვავდათ you were dancing ihr tanztet
ისინი ცეკვავდნენ they were dancing sie tanzten

Aorist Indicative:
