Class-I Conjugations: Verbs on -ავ or -ოვ

This page is dedicated to the conjugations of Class-I Verbs ending on -ავ. Some of these verbs have parallel forms without -ავ (e.g. ტეხავს/ტეხს, ზელავს/ზელს); still they belong to the -ავ verbs and not to the root verbs (see comments there).

There are three conjugations in these verbs:

  1. -ავ or -ოვ Verbs with -ე/-ა Aorist,
  2. -ავ Verbs with -ი/-ა Aorist (and alternation),
  3. Medial -ავ Verbs.
Note that some medial verbs ending on -ულობ in the present indicative can have their future and perfect tenses ending on -ავ as well, for example კითხულობს/იკითხავს. Try finding it in that conjugation class if you cannot find a verb here!

1. -ავ or -ოვ Verbs with -ე/-ა Aorist

There are not many verbs ending on -ოვ, e.g. ითხოვს, ქსოვს, and they all are conjugated like -ავ verbs with -ე/-ა aorist with -ია/-იათ perfect.

-ავს or
Example: ხატავს

2. -ავ Verbs with -ი/-ა Aorist (and alternation)
