Conjugation Compass updated and your Feedback

Dear friends of the Georgian language! Some more feedback has come in lately, thank you so much for the help! ძალიან დიდი მადლობა დახმარებისთვის!

Some of you have pointed out a couple of typos in the Conjugation Compass, in the verbs წერს (subjunctive, optative, perfect) and წუხს (present). I fixed them in both the online pages and in the PDF document now. Just follow the link below and download the updated version:

eBook: The Georgian Conjugation Compass
The Georgian Conjugation Compass includes: * 135 densly packed pages with all verb classes and conjugations of the Georgian verbs, * All 28 main conjugations with a list of verbs in this conjugation and one fully conjugated example verb with example sentences and their translations to English and German, * Examples of verbs

Also, the feedback form now has another item where you can enter your email address if you wish to do so, for me to follow up on your comments or give you a direct answer on your questions. Some of you have asked for this in the feedback, but their email addresses were somehow not visible to me in the feedback form.

You can also write me an email using the email from the imprint page ... if you don't want to use the feedback form.

The next blog post is about to be finished ("Your next 50 Georgian Verbs"). I am entering the last full conjugations for a number of verbs before this goes live. You can always follow the last changes to the many pages on on the News Page here ... I am working on the content continuously and updates are not restricted to the blog posts. So be sure to check in regularly!

Again, many thanks for the feedback and questions! It is good to see so many serious learners of the Georgian language are reading the content thoroughly!!

მომავალ შეხვედრამდე ...

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