
მიცურავს - to swim somewhere // wohin schwimmen


  • დაცურავს - to swim around // umherschwimmen

Class-I verb on -ავ with -ე/-ა aorist and reduced tenses:

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვცურავ I am swimming ich schwimme
შენ ცურავ you are swimming du schwimmst
ის ცურავს he is swimming er schwimmt
ჩვენ ვცურავთ we are swimming wir schwimmen
თქვენ ცურავთ you are swimming ihr schwimmt
ისინი ცურავენ they are swimming sie schwimmen

The future indicative is derived from the present by adding the preverb მი-: მე მივცურავ - I am going to swim // ich werde schwimmen.

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვცურავდი I was swimming ich schwamm
შენ ცურავდი you were swimming du schwammst
ის ცურავდა he was swimming er schwamm
ჩვენ ვცურავდით we were swimming wir schwommen
თქვენ ცურავდით you were swimming ihr schwammt
ისინი ცურავდნენ they were swimming sie schwammen

Present Subjunctive:
