დევს 1. to lie on the ground, something is situated somewhere (on the ground) 2. somebody lies/sits motionless // etwas liegt wo, etwas is wo gelegen, etwas befindet sich wo (liegend) 2. jemand liegt/sitzt regungslos da
Usually დევს is used for non-living objects lying on the ground, like თოვლი იდება ქუჩებში - the snow is lying in the streets. When referring to a person lying in bed, the verb წოლა/წევს should be used. However, if a person is lying/sitting motionless "like dead" (მკვდავისავით) somewhere, the verb დევს can emphasize this special situation.
დევს is conjugated as a class-I medial verb on -ევ. Given its nature of usually referring to non-living objects, the first and second person conjugations are very rare and are listed here only for sake of completion.
A note on the English translation: to lie, lying can also mean to "not tell truth", "to tell a lie", for which the proper Georgian verb would be ტყუის.
Class-I medial verb on -ევ:
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვდევ მე ვდევვარ |
I am lying motionless | ich liege regungslos |
შენ დევ | you are lying | du liegst |
ის დევს | he is lying | er liegt |
ჩვენ ვდევთ | we are lying | wir liegen |
თქვენ დევთ | you are lying | ihr liegt |
ისინი დევს* | they are lying | sie liegen |
One might rarely come across the phrase ისინი დევიან, but this can be considered improper Georgian.
Future Indicative
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვიდები | I am going to lie motionless | ich werde (regungslos) liegen |
შენ იდები | you are going to lie | du wirst liegen |
ის იდება | he is going to lie | er wird liegen |
ჩვენ ვიდებით | we are going to lie | wir werden liegen |
თქვენ იდებით | you are going to lie | ihr werdet liegen |
ისინი იდება | they are going to lie | sie werden liegen |
The imperfect indicative does not exist.
The Conditional: