
წარმოიქმნება - something is being built, appears, develops // etwas entsteht, etwas wird gemacht

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვიქმნები I am ich
შენ იქმნები you are du
ის იქმნება he is appearing er entsteht
ჩვენ ვიქმნებით we are wir
თქვენ იქმნებით you are ihr
ისინი იქმნებიან they are sie

The future indicative is derived from the present by adding წარმო-: ის წარმოიქმნება - It is going to be made // es wird entstehen.

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე I was ich
შენ you were du
ის he was er
ჩვენ we were wir
თქვენ you were ihr
ისინი they were sie

The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding -:

Aorist Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე I ich bin
შენ you du bist
ის წარმოიქმნა he appeared er ist entstanden
ჩვენ we wir sind
თქვენ you ihr seid
ისინი they sie sind

Perfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე I have ich bin
შენ you have du bis
ის წარმოიქმნილა he has appeared er ist entstanden
ჩვენ we have wir sind
თქვენ you have ihr seid
ისინი they have sie sind

Pluperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე I had ich war
შენ you had du warst
ის he had er war
ჩვენ we had wir waren
თქვენ you had ihr wart
ისინი they had sie waren


ქართული English German
მე (მინდა) I want to ich möchte
შენ you want to du möchtest
ის წარმოიქმნას he wants to appear er möchte entstehen
ჩვენ we want to wir  möchten
თქვენ you want to ihr möchtet
ისინი they want to sie möchten

Present Subjunctive:

ქართული English German
მე if I would würde ich
შენ if you would würdest du
ის if he would würde er
ჩვენ if we would würden wir
თქვენ if you would würdet ihr
ისინი if they would würden sie

The future subjunctive is derived from the present by adding  -:

Perfect Subjunctive:

ქართული English German
მე may I möge ich
შენ may you mögest du
ის may he möge er
ჩვენ may we mögen wir
თქვენ may you möget ihr
ისინი may they mögen sie

Tschenkeli (2007) p. 1565. Conjugation Class II.