წარმოიქმნება - something is being built, appears, develops // etwas entsteht, etwas wird gemacht
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვიქმნები | I am | ich |
შენ იქმნები | you are | du |
ის იქმნება | he is appearing | er entsteht |
ჩვენ ვიქმნებით | we are | wir |
თქვენ იქმნებით | you are | ihr |
ისინი იქმნებიან | they are | sie |
The future indicative is derived from the present by adding წარმო-: ის წარმოიქმნება - It is going to be made // es wird entstehen.
Imperfect Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე | I was | ich |
შენ | you were | du |
ის | he was | er |
ჩვენ | we were | wir |
თქვენ | you were | ihr |
ისინი | they were | sie |
The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding -:
Aorist Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე | I | ich bin |
შენ | you | du bist |
ის წარმოიქმნა | he appeared | er ist entstanden |
ჩვენ | we | wir sind |
თქვენ | you | ihr seid |
ისინი | they | sie sind |
Perfect Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე | I have | ich bin |
შენ | you have | du bis |
ის წარმოიქმნილა | he has appeared | er ist entstanden |
ჩვენ | we have | wir sind |
თქვენ | you have | ihr seid |
ისინი | they have | sie sind |
Pluperfect Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე | I had | ich war |
შენ | you had | du warst |
ის | he had | er war |
ჩვენ | we had | wir waren |
თქვენ | you had | ihr wart |
ისინი | they had | sie waren |
ქართული | English | German |
მე (მინდა) | I want to | ich möchte |
შენ | you want to | du möchtest |
ის წარმოიქმნას | he wants to appear | er möchte entstehen |
ჩვენ | we want to | wir möchten |
თქვენ | you want to | ihr möchtet |
ისინი | they want to | sie möchten |
Present Subjunctive:
ქართული | English | German |
მე | if I would | würde ich |
შენ | if you would | würdest du |
ის | if he would | würde er |
ჩვენ | if we would | würden wir |
თქვენ | if you would | würdet ihr |
ისინი | if they would | würden sie |
The future subjunctive is derived from the present by adding -:
Perfect Subjunctive:
ქართული | English | German |
მე | may I | möge ich |
შენ | may you | mögest du |
ის | may he | möge er |
ჩვენ | may we | mögen wir |
თქვენ | may you | möget ihr |
ისინი | may they | mögen sie |
Tschenkeli (2007) p. 1565. Conjugation Class II.