Conjugating Class-II Verbs

The Class-II conjugation verbs come in a number of conjugations, based on variations of the aorist indicative and the optative mood.

image/svg+xml Class II -ება -ევა -ია

.#incertae sedis: წარმოიქმნება

Class II on -ება

Most Class-II verbs end on -ება in 3rd person singular in the present indicative. Conjugations are most often based on -ე/-ა Aorist und -ო/-ოს Optative (ეჯიბრება), -ე/-ო Aorist and -ო/-ოს optative (ინთბა) or (often with -დ- infix) on -ი/-ა aorist and -ე/-ეს Optative (სველდება). More ...

Class II on -ევა

The verbs ending on -ევა are characterized by a conjugation with -იე/-ა/ aorist and -ე/-ეს optative. More ...

Class II Static Verbs -ია

Static verbs ending on -ია are conjugated with an -ე/-ა/ aorist and -ო/-ოს optative. More ...

!Somewhat of an exception in present indicative is the static verb უდევს/ადევს.