
გაიტოლება, დაიტოლება - 1. something is equal to something else 2. something reaches something at the same height; something catches up to something else // 1. etwas kommt einer Sache gleich 2. etwas kommt auf gleicher Höhe an wie etwas anderes; etwas holt etwas anderes ein

Standard Class-II verb on -ება with -ე/-ა aorist: მთვარე მთისკენ იტოლება - the moon moved up to the mountain (top) // der Mond steigt zur Bergs(spitze). ის გაიტოლა მას - she reached his spot // sie erreichte seinen Standort. ის გაუტოლებია მას ... (perfect)


  • გაუტოლდება 1. something is equal to something else 2. something reaches something at the same height; something catches up to something else // 1. etwas kommt einer Sache gleich 2. etwas kommt auf gleicher Höhe an wie etwas anderes; etwas holt etwas anderes ein. ის გაუტოლდა მას - it caught up to it // es hat es eingeholt. ის გასტოლებია მას (perfect)
  • გაიტოლებს - to make someone equal to oneself; to put someone in the same spot as oneself; to treat someone as oneself // jemand sich selbst gleichstellen, gleichsetzen; jemand auf die gleiche Stufe stellen wie sich selbst; jemand wie sich selbst, als seinesgleichen behandeln
  • ტოლი 1. of the same age or size, equal to one another 2. peer, friend, fellow, partner, spouse // 1. gleichaltrig, gleich groß, ebenbürtig, seinesgleichen 2. Altersgenosse, Kamerad, Gefährte, Freund, Lebensgefährte, Ehepartner: შენი ძაღლი იმ ძაღლის ტოლია - your dog is of the same age as that dog // dein Hund ist so alt wie dieser Hund. მე შენი ტოლი ვარ - I am as high as you // ich bin so groß wie du.
  • ტოლ-ამხანაგი, ტოლბიჭი - peer // der Altersgenosse

Tschenkeli (2007) p. 1358. Thesaurus: მოძრაობა+, ურთიერთობა, სიდიდე.