
გაიზრდება - to grow, to grow up // wachsen, aufwachsen


  • ამოიზრდება - to grow out of something // wo herauswachsen: მდინარში კუნძული ამოზრდილიყო - an island had grown out of the river // eine Insel war aus dem Fluss herausgewachsen
  • წამოიზრდება - something is growing, developing // etwas wächst heran: თმა წამოიზრდებოდა - hair was growing // Haar wuchs heran
  • გაზრდის 1. to raise a child 2. to educate someone
  • წიწილავდება - to grow up, to get bigger

The verb იზრდება shares most characteristics with the standard Class-II verbs with -ე/-ა aorist and -ო/-ოს optative but it also shares some with the -ება verbs with -დ- infix, like the sufix -ნენ in 3. person plural in aorist and optative and the formation of the perfect and pluperfect.

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვიზრდები I am growing ich wachse
შენ იზრდები you are growing du wächst
ის იზრდება he is growing er wachst
ჩვენ ვიზრდებით we are growing wir wachsen
თქვენ იზრდებით you are growing ihr wachst
ისინი იზრდებიან they are growing sie wachsen

The future indicative is derived from the present by adding გა-: მე გავიზრდები - I am going to grow // ich werde wachsen

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვიზრდებოდი I was growing ich wuchs
შენ იზრდებოდი you were growing du wuchst
ის იზრდებოდა he was growing er wuchs
ჩვენ ვიზრდებოდით we were growing wir wuchsen
თქვენ იზრდებოდით you were growing ihr wuchset
ისინი იზრდებოდნენ they were growing sie wuchsen

The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding გა-: მე გავიზრდებოდი - then I would grow // dann würde ich wachsen.

Aorist Indicative:
