კითხულობს (იკითხავს) 1. to ask someone/something 2. to inquire about someone, to ask for someone // 1. jemanden etwas fragen 2. nach jemand fragen
Even though both verbs are almost identical in their conjugations as Class-I medial verbs on -ობ, always stay alert to distinguish correctly between კითხულობს/წაიკითხავს (to read) and კითხულობს/იკითხავს (to ask)! You can often recognize the meaning to ask by the object and context as well as by the lacking preverb წა-: მე ვიკითხე მასწავლებელი - I asked the teacher // ich habe den Lehrer gefragt.
- როგორ გიკითხოთ?, როგორ მოგიკითხოთ? - How are you doing? // Wie geht es Ihnen?
- კითხულობს ვისიმე ამბავს - to ask about someone, to ask for someone // sich nach jemand erkundigen, nach jemand fragen
Class-I medial verb on -ობ with irregular future and perfect tenses:
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვკითხულობ მას | I am asking her | ich frage ihn |
შენ კითხულობ მას | you are asking her | du fragst ihn |
ის კითხულობს მას | he is asking her | er fragt ihn |
ჩვენ ვკითხულობთ მას | we are asking her | wir fragen ihn |
თქვენ კითხულობთ მას | you are asking her | ihr fragt ihn |
ისინი კითხულობენ მას | they are asking her | sie fragen ihn |
Future Indicative
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვიკითხავ მას | I am going to ask him | ich werde ihn fragen |
შენ იკითხავ კითხულობ მას | you are going to ask him | du wirst ihn fragen |
ის იკითხავს მას | he is going to ask him | er wird ihn fragen |
ჩვენ ვიკითხავთ მას | we are going to ask him | wir werden ihn fragen |
თქვენ ვიკითხავთ მას | you are going to ask him | ihr werdet ihn fragen |
ისინი იკითხავენ მას | they are going to ask him | sie werden ihn fragen |
Imperfect Indicative: