შეკრავს - to tie something up // etwas einschnüren, einwickeln, zusammenbinden
- შუბლს იკრავს - to knit one's brow // die Stirn runzeln (ადამიანის სხეული+)
Class-I verb on -ავ with -ი/-ა aorist and alternation:
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვკრავ ხეს | I am tying up the wood | ich binde das Holz zusammen |
შენ კრავ ხეს | you are tying up the wood | du bindest das Holz zusammen |
ის კრავს ხეს | he is tying up the wood | er bindet das Holz zusammen |
ჩვენ ვკრავთ ხეს | we are tying up the wood | wir binden das Holz zusammen |
თქვენ გკრავთ ხეს | you are tying up the wood | ihr bindet das Holz zusammen |
ისინი კრავენ ხეს | they are tying up the wood | sie binden das Holz zusammen |
The future indicative is derived from the present by adding the preverb -შე: მე შევკრავ ხეს - I am going to tie up the wood // ich werde das Holz zusammenbinden.
Imperfect Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვკრავდი ხეს | I was tying up the wood | ich band das Holz zusammen |
შენ კრავდი ხეს | you were tying up the wood | du bandest das Holz zusammen |
ის კრავდა ხეს | he is tying up the wood | er band das Holz zusammen |
ჩვენ ვკრავდით ხეს | we were tying up the wood | wir banden das Holz zusammen |
თქვენ კრავდით ხეს | you were tying up the wood | ihr bandet das Holz zusammen |
ისინი კრავდნენ ხეს | they were tying up the wood | sie banden das Holz zusammen |
The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding the preverb -შე: მე შევკრავდი ხეს - then I would tie up the wood // dann würde ich das Holz zusammenbinden.
Aorist Indicative: