ხოხავს - to sneak or slide around somewhere, e.g. on one's belly // wo umherschleichen bzw. kriechen, z. B. auf dem Bauch
Class I medial verb on -ავ: მე ვხოხავ ბალახში - I sneak around in the grass. მან იხოხა სახლის უკან - he slid around behind the house. მიხოხნია ცოტა ხანი (perfect) - I snuck around some time.
Compare ხოხობი, the pheasant; maybe its name is derived from ხოხავს, then this bird would be the one which sneakes around (in the grass).
Tschenkeli (2007) p. 2383. Thesaurus: მოძრაობა.