ჭამს - to eat something // etwas essen
ჭამს is conjugated as a Class-I root verb and not as a verb on -ამ! See comments here!
- შეჭამს 1. to eat completely, to devour 2. to itch (wool on skin) // 1. vollständig aufessen, fressen 2. kratzen (Wolle auf der Haut). კატამ შეჭამა თაგვი - the cat devoured the mouse // die Katze hat die Maus gefressen.
- წაჭამს, წაიჭამს - to snack, to eat a small snack
- სვამს - to drink something
Class-I Root Verb with -ე/-ა Aorist:
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვჭამ პურს | I am eating the bread | ich esse Brot |
შენ ჭამ პურს | you are eating the bread | du isst Brot |
ის ჭამს პურს | he is eating the bread | er isst Brot |
ჩვენ ვჭამთ პურს | we are eating the bread | wir essen Brot |
თქვენ ჭამთ პურს | you are eating the bread | ihr esst Brot |
ისინი ჭამენ პურს | they are eating the bread | sie essen Brot |
The future indicative is identical to the present in this verb: ხვალ მე ვჭამ პურს - tomorrow I am going to eat bread // morgen werde ich Brot essen. In forms with a preverb you would add it here: ერთ წუთში ძაღლი შეჭამს ძეხვს - in a minute the dog is going to eat the sausage // der Hund wird die Wurst in einer Minute fressen.
Imperfect Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვჭამდი პურს | I was eating the bread | ich aß Brot |
შენ ჭამდი პურს | you were eating the bread | du aßt Brot |
ის ჭამდა პურს | he was eating the bread | er aß Brot |
ჩვენ ვჭამდით პურს | we were eating the bread | wir aßen Brot |
თქვენ ჭამდით პურს | you were eating the bread | ihr aßt Brot |
ისინი | they were eating the bread | sie aßen Brot |
The conditional mood is identical to the imperfect indicative: მერე მე ვჭამდი პურს - then I would eat the bread. For forms with a preverb you would add it here: მერე ვეფხვი შეჭამდა შველს - then the tiger would devour the deer // dann würde der Tiger das Reh fressen.
Aorist Indicative: