ჩანს - to be visible // sichtbar sein, zu sehen sein
Class-I medial root verb with ვ--ვარ first person singular: სახლი გარგად ჩანს - the house is well visible // das Haus ist gut zu sehen. საბუთი ჩანდა ჩანთის ქვეშ - the document was visible below the bag // das Dokument war unter der Tasche zu sehen.
The objective version სჩანს means "something is visible for someone": პრესიდენტი სჩანს ხალხს - the president is visible to the people // der Präsident ist für das Volk sichtbar or in the folk song Apareka: აღარ სჩანხარ - you are not visible for him/her anymore // du bist für sie/ihn nicht mehr zu sehen.
- მოჩანს - something is appearing in sight, something is visible from a far distance // etwas erscheint im Sichtfeld, etwas ist weithin sichtbar. ქალაქი მოჩანს - the town is coming in sight // die Stadt wird sichtbar
- მიჩანს - something is (becoming) visible on me (body part) // etwas an mir ist/wird sichtbar (Körperteil)
- გაჩნდება - to appear, to become visible
- აღმოაჩენს - to discover something. Note the same verb root here: ჩანს/ჩენს!
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვჩანვარ | I am visible | ich bin sichtbar |
შენ ჩანხარ | you are visible | du bist sichtbar |
ის ჩანს | he is visible | er ist sichtbar |
ჩვენ ვჩანვართ | we are visible | wir sind sichtbar |
თქვენ ჩანხართ | you are visible | ihr seid sichtbar |
ისინი ჩანან | they are visible | sie sind sichtbar |
The future indicative is derived from the present by adding -მო: მთვარე მალე მოჩანს - the moon will soon come out
Imperfect Indicative: