
უყურებს 1. to observe something; to watch something 2. to view something as; to judge something 3. to be on the lookout; to wait // 1. einer Sache zuschauen; etwas anschauen 2. jemanden als etwas betrachen; etwas bewerten als 3. Ausschau halten; warten


  • ხედავს - to see something
  • თვალყურს ადევნებს - to watch or observe something // etwas beobachten oder observieren

Class-I verb on -ებ with -ე/-ა aorist:

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვუყურებ ფილმს I am watching a movie ich schaue einen Film
შენ უყურებ ფილმს you are watching a movie du schaust einen Film
ის უყურებს ფილმს he is watching a movie er schaut einen Film
ჩვენ ვუყურებთ ფილმს we are watching a movie wir schauen einen Film
თქვენ უყურებთ ფილმს you are watching a movie ihr schaut einen Film
ისინი უყურებენ ფილმს they are watching a movie sie schauen einen Film

The future indicative is identical with the present: ხვალ ვუყურებ ფილმს - tomorrow I am going to watch a movie // morgen werde ich einen Film schauen.

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვუყურებდი ფილმს I was watching a movie ich habe einen Film geschaut
შენ უყურებდი ფილმს you were watching a movie du hast einen Film geschaut
ის უყურებდა ფილმს he was watching a movie er hat einen Film geschaut
ჩვენ ვუყურებდით ფილმს we were watching a movie wir haben einen Film geschaut
თქვენ უყურებდით ფილმს you were watching a movie ihr habt einen Film geschaut
ისინი უყურებდნენ they were watching a movie sie haben einen Film geschaut

The conditional mood is identical with the imperfect: მერე ვუყურებდი ფილმს - then I would watch a movie // dann würde ich einen Film schauen.

Aorist Indicative:
