
ხედავს - to see something // etwas sehen

In Georgian the expression to see something can be made by forms of ხედავს and ნახავს, depending on the tense and mood, sometimes either form is possible. In the sense of to look somewhere, the verb იხედავს სადმე can be used instead.


  • Note: the verb ნახულობს - to find something shares some moods and tenses with ხედავს.
  • შეხედავს - to see that ... // sehen, dass ... Used mostly in its own aorist and optative forms in the imperative mood: შეხედე ცას! Look at the sky! // Sieh hoch zum Himmel! შევხედოთ! Look and behold! Suddenly! // Siehe da! Plötzlich! The phrase ზეცას შეხენეო! (შახენეო) in the folk song "Apareka" might be a version of this.
  • უყურებს - to watch something

Cass-I verb on -ავ verbs with -ავ perfect:

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვხედავ სახლს I am seeing the house ich sehe das Haus
შენ ხედავ სახლს you are seeing the house du siehst das Haus
ის ხედავს სახლს he is seeing the house er sieht das Haus
ჩვენ ვხედავთ სახლს we are seeing the house wir sehen das Haus
თქვენ ხედავთ სახლს you are seeing the house ihr seht das Haus
ისინი ხედავენ სახლს they are seeing the house sie sehen das Haus

Future Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვნახავ სახლს
I am going to see the house ich werde das Haus sehen
შენ ნახავ სახლს
you are going to see the house du wirst das Haus sehen
ის ნახავს სახლს
he is going to see the house er wird das Haus sehen
ჩვენ ვნახავთ სახლს
we are going to see the house wir werden das Haus sehen
თქვენ ნახავთ სახლს
you are going to see the house ihr werdet das Haus sehen
ისინი ნახავენ სახლს
they are going to see the house sie werden das Haus sehen

Note that the future indicative is identical to the future indicative of the medial verb ნახულობს.

Imperfect Indicative:
