
ჩაყვინთავს - to dive; to swim submersed, under water // tauchen; untergetaucht, unter Wasser schwimmen

Intransitive Class-I verb on -ავ with -ე/-ა aorist:

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვყვინთავ I am diving ich tauche
შენ ყვინთავ you are diving du tauchst
ის ყვინთავს he is diving er taucht
ჩვენ ვყვინთავთ we are diving wir tauchen
თქვენ ყვინთავთ you are diving ihr taucht
ისინი ყვინთავენ they are diving sie tauchen

The future indicative is derived from the present by adding the preverb ჩა-: მე ჩავყვინთავ - I am going to dive // ich werde tauchen.

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვყვინთავდი I was diving ich tauchte
შენ ყვინთავდი you were diving du tauchtest
ის ყვინთავდა he was diving er tauchte
ჩვენ ვყვინთავდით we were diving wir tauchten
თქვენ ყვინთავდით you were diving ihr tauchtet
ისინი ყვინთავდნენ they were diving sie tauchten

The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding the preverb ჩა-: მე ჩავყვინთავდი - then I would dive // dann würde ich tauchen.

Aorist Indicative:
