შეამოწმებს 1. to examine, to check, to test, to investigate, to compare something 2. to confirm, to corroborate, to certify, to witness something // 1. etwas kontrollieren, untersuchen, prüfen, vergleichen 2. etwas bestätigen, bescheinigen, bezeugen
- დაამოწმებს - to confirm, to corroborate, to certify, to witness something
- შეადარებს - to compare something
- გასინჯავს 1. to test, to examine, to investigate something 2. to try, to taste, to sample something 3. to think about something
- გაზომავს 1. to measure something 2. to think something over, to consider something, to calculate something (fig.)
- გაარჩევს - 1. to sort something, to select few from a number of options 2. to differentiate, to recognize 3. to look through something, to examine 4. to negotiate something, to talk about something 5. to analyze, take apart 6. to dehusk, peel something (seeds)
Class-I Verb on -ებ with -ე/-ა aorist:
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვამოწმებ საბუთებს | I am checking the papers | ich prüfe die Papiere |
შენ ამოწმებ საბუთებს | you are checking the papers | du prüfst die Papiere |
ის ამოწმებ საბუთებს | he is checking the papers | er prüft die Papiere |
ჩვენ ვამოწმებთ საბუთებს | we are checking the papers | wir prüfen die Papiere |
თქვენ ამოწმებთ საბუთებს | you are checking the papers | ihr prüft die Papiere |
ისინი ამოწმებენ საბუთებს | they are checking the papers | sie prüfen die Papiere |
The future indicative is derived from the present by adding შე-: მალე შევამოწმებ ყველაფერს - I will check everythig soon // ich werde alles bald prüfen.
Imperfect Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვამოწმებდი საბუთებს | I was checking the papers | ich prüfte die Papiere |
შენ ამოწმებდი საბუთებს | you were checking the papers | du prüfst die Papiere |
ის ამოწმებდა საბუთებს | he was checking the papers | er prüft die Papiere |
ჩვენ ვამოწმებდით საბუთებს | we were checking the papers | wir prüfen die Papiere |
თქვენ ამოწმებდით საბუთებს | you were checking the papers | ihr prüft die Papiere |
ისინი ამოწმებდნენ საბუთებს | they were checking the papers | sie prüfen die Papiere |
The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding შე-: მერე შევამოწმებდი საბუთებს - then I would check the papers // dann würde ich die Papiere prüfen.
Aorist Indicative: