
გაზომავს 1. to measure something 2. to think something over, to consider something, to calculate something (fig.) // 1. etwas messen, abmessen, vermessen 2. etwas überlegen, überdenken, erwägen, abschätzen (umg.)


  • გასინჯავს - to test something, to try something out // etwas testen, prüfen
  • შეამოწმებს - to test something, to investigate, to check something // etwas prüfen, untersuchen, kontrollieren
  • გაარჩევს - 1. to sort something, to select few from a number of options 2. to differentiate, to recognize 3. to look through something, to examine 4. to negotiate something, to talk about something 5. to analyze, take apart 6. to dehusk, peel something (seeds)

Class-I Verb on -ავ with -ე/-ა aorist: უკვე გავზომე ოთახი - I already measured the room // ich habe den Raum schon gemessen. მან ზუსტად გაზომა ხე - he thoroughly measured the wood // er hat das Holz sehr genau vermessen. მას არ გაუზომავს, მე არ გამიზომავს (perfect)

Present Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვზომავ შარვალს I am measuring the pants ich messe die Hose
შენ ზომავ შარვალს you are measuring the pants du misst die Hose
ის ზომავს შარვალს he is measuring the pants er misst die Hose
ჩვენ ვზომავთ შარვალს we are measuring the pants wir messen die Hose
თქვენ ზომავთ შარვალს you are measuring the pants ihr messt die Hose
ისინი ზომავენ შარვალს they are measuring the pants sie messen die Hose

The future indicative is derived from the present by adding გა-: გავზომავ შარვალს - I am going to measure the pants // ich werde die Hose messen.

Imperfect Indicative:

ქართული English German
მე ვზომავდი შარვალს I was measuring the pants ich maß die Hose
შენ ზომავდი შარვალს you were measuring the pants du maßest die Hose
ის ზომავდა შარვალს he was measuring the pants er maß die Hose
ჩვენ ვზომავდით we were measuring the pants wir maßen die Hose
თქვენ ზომავდით შარვალს you were measuring the pants ihr maßt die Hose
ისინი ზომავდნენ შარვალს they were measuring the pants sie maßen die Hose

Examples: გმირი ზომავდი მტერს თვალებით - the heroine was measuring the foe with her eyes // die Heldin vermaß den Gegner mit ihren Augen.

The conditional mood is derived from the imperfect indicative by adding გა-: მე მერე გავზომავდი შარვალს - then I would measure the pants // dann würde ich die Hosen messen.

Aorist Indicative:
