Reading Material

After learning the basic grammar and words of a language one needs practice in actually using it. Reading and understanding Georgian texts often is very difficult for novice learners because the letters and sounds are so unfamiliar to most foreigners and the rich Georgian vocabulary and complex verb system finds learners looking up seemingly every word in a text. This can be frustrating.

To make this more easy for you, I provide here some short texts, which contain words from the basic thesaurus and advanced thesauri as well. Read the Georgian text carefully and observe how much you understand already without looking up words. Then proceed as you find suitable. You might find it helpful to consult the English or German translation below or the comments. Browse the comment section or follow the links to explore a certain word's page with more details. Either way, reading is good practice when learning.

If you find a text very easy, try translating it from English or German into Georgian! ;-)

So go ahead and check out the საკითხავი მასალა // Georgian Reading:

I would love to hear your suggestions. Which topics should new texts cover? From which sources should they be, historical litarary texts or more contemporary news and internet texts? Or conversations? Let me know! დამიწერე!