დაბრძანდება 1. to take a seat (polite) 2. to regularly go somewhere, visit somewhere // 1. Platz nehmen, sich setzen (höflich) 2. regelmäßig wohin zu gehen pflegen, zu besuchen
- ~ბრძანდება - to be, to be free to do something, to be inclined to do something, to care to do something (polite) // sein, sich wie befinden, belieben zu sein (höflich)
- ვინ ბრძანდებით? Who do I have the honor with? // Mit wem habe ich die Ehre? Mit wem habe ich es zu tun?
- კარგად ბრძანდებოდეთ! Have a nice day! // Lassen Sie es sich gut gehen!
- მიბრძანდება 1. to go somewhere (polite) 2. to happen to get somewhere (accidentally) // 1. sich wohin begeben, belieben wohin zu gehen (höflich) 2. wohin gelangen. Compare მიდის - to go somewhere
- ჯერ თქვენ მიბრძანდით! Please proceed! After you! // Bitte nach Ihnen! Bitte gehen Sie vor!
- შემობრძანდება - to enter, to come in (polite) // belieben wo einzutreten, hereinzukommen (höflich). Compare შედის, შემოდის - to come in, to go in.
- შემობრძანდით! Do come in, please! // Bitte treten Sie ein!
- დაჯდება (სხდებიან) - to sit down
- ახლავს 1. to be something for someone (polite), to have the pleasure to be, to be attending, to be present 2. to have the honor of meeting someone; to meet someone of higher rank; to get an audience with somebody 3. to be peculiar in a way; something is inherent to something
All the verbs based on ბრძანდება are often used in very polite speech, e.g. when talking to guests, to persons of respect or of advanced age: დაბრძანდით! Please, take a seat! // Bitte setzen Sie sich! ... instead of დაჯექი! Sit down! // Setz dich!
Class-II verb on -ება with -დ- infix:
Present Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე ვბრძანდები | I am taking a seat | ich nehme Platz |
შენ ბრძანდები | you are taking a seat | du nimmst Platz |
ის ბრძანდება | he is taking a seat | er nimmt Platz |
ჩვენ ვბრძანდებით | we are taking a seat | wir nehmen Platz |
თქვენ ბრძანდებით | you are taking a seat | ihr nehmt Platz |
ისინი ბრძანდებიან | they are taking a seat | sie nehmen Platz |
Used without preverb, ბრძანდება can also express to be in a more formal or polite way. This use is quite commone when addressing older people or people of higher status in Georgia:
- ვინ ბრძანდებით? Who do I have the honor with? // Mit wem habe ich die Ehre? Mit wem habe ich es zu tun?
- როგორ ბრძანდებით? How is your day going? How are you doing? // Wie geht es Ihnen? Wie ist Ihr Befinden?
Future Indicative:
ქართული | English | German |
მე დავბრძანდები | I am going to take a seat | ich werde Platz nehmen |
შენ დაბრძანდები | you are going to take a seat | du wirst Platz nehmen |
ის დაბრძანდება | he is going to take a seat | er wird Platz nehmen |
ჩვენ დავბრძანდებით | we are going to take a seat | wir werden Platz nehmen |
თქვენ დაბრძანდებით | you are going to take a seat | ihr werdet Platz nehmen |
ისინი დაბრძანდებიან | they are going to take a seat | sie werden Platz nehmen |
Imperfect Indicative: